We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions that we think may be of help to you. If your particular query is not listed here, please contact us here and we will typically respond within 2-4 hours. If your query is important and you need a response sooner, please feel free to use our Live Chat to speak with a team member.
As a retailer, we use a portion of our markup on the products you purchase to cover the cost of your delivery. Orders of lower dollar value do not cover the full cost of delivery and so we charge you the difference.
No. We are a specialty online retailer so while we operate a fulfilment warehouse, we do not operate a store.
Our warehouse and delivery drivers will update when your order has been dispatched from our warehouse and provide you a window for delivery. At the moment however, we are unable to provide a specific delivery time.
Yes, we are proudly a 100% owned and operated Barbadian company.
No. At the moment we are an online retailer only. However we hope to introduce a wholesale service sometime in the not too distant future.
We ask that you kindly check your order before our delivery driver leaves. If any item that we delivered is not what you ordered, we will replace the incorrect item within 3 hours at no extra delivery charge.
No. We do not restock items delivered and signed for as accepted by customers.
No. At this time, we operate only in the island of Barbados.